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Pregnant Women

Found 10 resources (displaying 10)

Pregnant Teens YK-6500.6600-550  

Care Net Pregnancy Centers of NNY

724 State Street
Watertown, NY

Assists women and men facing unplanned pregnancies. Free services include pregnancy tests, 1st trimester ultrasounds, options counseling, childbirth and parenting classes, baby and maternity supplies, fatherhood education, GED tutoring, miscarriage recovery, post-abortion support, and sexual risk …


10 George Street
Oswego, NY

Provides case management services that include education, advocacy, and support for women and their families before, during, and after pregnancy.

Pregnant Women YK-6500.6600  

Family Resource Center of Oswego County

157 Liberty Street
Oswego, NY

Offers assistance to women and men facing pregnancy decisions. Services include pregnancy testing, parenting classes, parent support groups, and material items such as diapers, formula, baby clothing, baby furniture, and more when clients attend classes. Offers post-abortion counseling for women …

Maternal Child Health Home Visiting Program

70 Bunner Street
Oswego, NY

Provides home visits by a registered professional nurse to high risk pregnant women, new moms and infants, and children at risk for health and social problems. Visits can include either preventive services or skilled care that otherwise would have to be provided in a physician's office, hospital, …

Maternal Child Home Visiting Program

7785 North State Street
Suite 2
Lowville, NY

Provides home visits from a registered nurse for high risk pregnant women and infants with a physician referral.

Maternity Services

214 Caroline Street
Ogdensburg, NY

Provides counseling, case management, and financial assistance to individuals/couples dealing with issues, problems, or financial need during the time of pregnancy or parenting of an infant/toddler.


10 George Street
Oswego, NY

Provides case management services that include education, advocacy, and support for women and their families before, during, and after pregnancy.

Perinatal and Infant Community Health Collaborative

1010 James Street
Syracuse, NY

Aims to improve perinatal and infant health outcomes including preterm birth, low birth weight, infant mortality, and maternal mortality by building systems of care for pregnant, post-partum women, and other pregnant individuals. Services include assistance in accessing healthcare and other support …

Perinatal and Infant Community Health Programs

200 Washington Street
Suite 300
Watertown, NY

Offers a variety of reproductive, maternal, and women's health services including outreach and education for the community and health and human service providers. Provides programming around all stages of reproduction, including preconception, pregnancy, and interconception.

YWCA of Syracuse and Onondaga County

401 Douglas Street
Syracuse, NY

Provides transitional and permanent housing for women and women with children and other support services to enable them to live independently. 

Contact Community Services answers the 211CNY phone line
211CNY is answered by:
United Way

United Way of Central New York
United Way of Greater Oswego County
United Way of Northern New York, Inc.

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