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Visual Impairments

Found 8 resources (displaying 8)

Adult Employment Services

1065 James Street
Syracuse, NY

Provides job readiness, job development, placement, on-the-job training, and long-term support for individuals with sensory loss who are seeking employment. 

Counseling for People with Vision Loss

1065 James Street
Syracuse, NY

Provides individual and group counseling to blind and visually impaired persons of all ages and their families.

Information and Referral for Hearing and Visual Impairments

1065 James Street
Syracuse, NY

Provides information on available resources for blind, visually impaired, deaf, or hard-of-hearing individuals regarding special devices and information on access to education, housing, employment, benefits, legal issues, recreational/social activities, and community education.

Instructional Services People with Vision Loss

1065 James Street
Syracuse, NY

Teaches blind or visually impaired individuals skills of daily living such as cooking, sewing and self-care, as well as communication skills, including the use of talking book machines, Braille, script writing, and typing. Provides work site evaluations.

New York State Commission for the Blind (NYSCB)

100 South Salina Street
Suite 105
Syracuse, NY

Administers programs and services to enhance employability, maximize independence, and assist in the development of the capacities and strengths of people who are legally blind. Programs include:Equipment Loan Fund, which allows individuals to borrow up to $4,000 to purchase adaptive equipment.Child …

Outreach Services for Older Adults with Vision and Hearing Loss

1065 James Street
Syracuse, NY

Identifies older individuals who may have significant visual impairments, hearing loss, and deafness and assists them with applying for services to which they are entitled.

Support Groups for People with Visual and Hearing Impairments

1065 James Street
Syracuse, NY

Provides support, information, socialization, and activities for those with visual or hearing impairments.

Vision Rehabilitation Services

800 Irving Avenue
Syracuse, NY

Provides services for Veterans who need vision rehabilitation, including assistive aids, sunglasses to help control glare, cooking and home management training, and evaluation for magnifiers, reading glasses, and telescopes.

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