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Found 16 resources (displaying 1 - 10)

Agriculture Program

302 Burt Street
Syracuse, NY

Provides opportunities for refugees and immigrants to set up plots of land to farm and plant culturally appropriate vegetables and food. Education on the planting environment, assistance selling produce, a goat farm project to raise and sell goats, and literacy classes are offered.

Care Management

302 Burt Street
Syracuse, NY

Offers a health home system where people with underlining health issues are guarded to seek medical help by going to doctor's appointment, living a healthy life style and managing the illness.

Center for Healthy Aging

1010 James Street
Syracuse, NY

Organizes community-based services that promote activity, socialization and lifelong learning in order to empower older adults to age with dignity. Coordinates older adults with caregivers who need a break, elder refugees who want to learn English and know their community and older residents …

Center for New Americans

1010 James Street
Syracuse, NY

Provides resettlement and post-resettlement services that help refugee and immigrant families integrate into their new communities. Offers citizenship classes, ESL classes, relocation moving assistance, employment placement services for newly arriving refugees, and case management to assist with …

Citizenship Classes

401-425 South Avenue
Syracuse, NY

Offers classes to prepare refugees for the United States citizenship test. 

Counseling Services

1654 West Onondaga Street
Syracuse, NY

Provides outpatient individual, couple, and family counseling. Offers treatment programs for refugees and male perpetrators of sexual abuse of children. Offers educational programs and consultation for parenting as well as provides information and referral services as needed.  Does not prescribe …

Education Program

302 Burt Street
Syracuse, NY

Provides a citizenship class for immigrant and refugee parents who are legal residents to become United Stated citizens. Provides intensive training on completing the necessary reading and writing portion of the citizenship test and intensive training on the 100 questions designed by the United …

Employment, Case Management and IDA

302 Burt Street
Syracuse, NY

Provides case management for self-sufficiency promotion via help with paperwork, phone calls, appointment scheduling, housing assistance and referrals, family crisis intervention, document interpretation/translation, mediation, and community resource referrals. Employment assessment and placement, …

Her Village

Offers a space for women and mothers that promotes friendship, cultural literacy, and mutual thriving. 

Hopeprint - Living Room

745 North Salina Street
Syracuse, NY

Seeks to empower resettled refugees and the neighborhoods in which they live. Provides family empowerment programs, facilitates community advocacy, and nurtures collaborative neighborhood activation of Syracuse's Northside.

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