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Adult/Child Mentoring Programs

Found 5 resources (displaying 5)

Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS)

215 Bassett Street
Syracuse, NY

Matches children ages 8 to 15 years with with an adult for one-to-one friendship relationships.

Mentoring Program

8220 Loop Road
Suite 101
Baldwinsville, NY

Offers a mentoring program for children in 1st through 9th grades needing additional one-on-one support through the school year. Adults and junior/senior high students are matched up with a student who could benefit from this relationship.

Purpose Farm

1454 Genesee Road
Baldwinsville, NY

Provides mentor services for children ages 6 to 18 years that have been through or are struggling with difficult life challenges such as abuse, trauma, neglect, loss, anxiety, behavioral issues, or may live in a high-risk environment. Rescues farm, exotic and domestic animals with similar trauma …

Youth Leadership and Development Services

700 Oswego Street
Syracuse, NY

Provides an after-school program offering academic and recreational activities for youth ages 10 to 18 years. Emphasizes tutoring in Math, English, and Science for youth who have limited English proficiency and who are at-risk of failing in school. Offers free transportation to students.

Youth Resource Program

405 Gifford Street
Syracuse, NY

Assists youth in developing healthy and productive relationships with the adults in their lives, with a special emphasis on engaging the whole family in treatment. Youth resource workers conduct an assessment, develop a goal plan, link youth to services, and meet with youth and their families twice …

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United Way of Central New York
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