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In Home Hospice Care

Found 4 resources (displaying 4)

Hospice Care

990 Seventh North Street
Liverpool, NY

Offers comfort care for people with terminal illness and support for their families at home, nursing home facilities, hospitals, Francis House, or assisted living facilities.

Hospice of St. Lawrence Valley

6805 US Highway 11
Potsdam, NY

Provides assistance and services to patients with incurable illnesses and their families. Services can include home visits, management of pain and other difficult symptoms, help with bathing and grooming, 24-hour phone assistance and support, patient and family caregiver education, help for family …

Lewis County Hospice

7785 North State Street
Lowville, NY

Offers comfort care for people with terminal illnesses, enabling them to be cared for at home while still receiving relief from pain and other symptoms. 

Oswego Health Home Care

510 S 4th Street
Area C
Fulton, NY

Provides certified health services to individuals in their homes. Offers skilled nursing, medical social services, and home health care aides. Other services include physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, nutrition information, and wound management.

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