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Blind Mobility Aids

Found 3 resources (displaying 3)

New York State Commission for the Blind (NYSCB)

100 South Salina Street
Suite 105
Syracuse, NY

Administers programs and services to enhance employability, maximize independence, and assist in the development of the capacities and strengths of people who are legally blind. Programs include:Equipment Loan Fund, which allows individuals to borrow up to $4,000 to purchase adaptive equipment.Child …

Orientation and Mobility Instruction

1065 James Street
Syracuse, NY

Instructs blind or visually impaired persons to travel safely and independently by learning or relearning the use of all sensory input (touch, sound, remaining vision) and through the use of travel aids, white cane, and sighted guide training. Skills are taught by a New York State-certified …


1603 Court Street
Syracuse, NY

Offers an assistive technology lending library that loans out durable medical equipment to people with disabilities and their families. Inventory can be viewed at ACCESSCNY.org website.

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United Way of Central New York
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