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Hepatitis Testing

Found 7 resources (displaying 7)

Adolescent Health Initiative

617 West Genesee Street
Syracuse, NY

Provides youth centered outreach and education regarding HIV/AIDS, STIs, Hepatitis C (HCV), substance use/abuse, and inclusive productive and sexual health. Offers parental resources and education within participating schools. Offers access to safer sex materials as well as delivery of supplies, …

Fort Drum MEDDAC Sexual Health Clinic

10506 Euphrates River Valley Road
Fort Drum, NY

Provides prevention counseling and testing or treatment of sexual health matters, including HIV, Hepatitis, and all other sexually transmitted infections.

Men's Prevention & Testing Services

627 West Genesee Street
Syracuse, NY

Offers prevention services that include free and confidential HIV, HCV, STI testing for at-risk men, short-term prevention case management services, peer delivered support and outreach, and risk reduction education. 

Women's Prevention Services

627 West Genesee Street
Syracuse, NY

Offers health services to women. Services includes HIV, Hepatitis C, and STI testing for at-risk women, short-term prevention case management services, group, and individual education about risk reduction. 

Women's Program

627 West Genesee Street
Syracuse, NY

Teaches women how to take charge of their lives and sexual safety and how to decrease their risk and their parent's risk of getting HIV, Hepatitis C, and other sexually transmitted diseases. Provides testing for HIV, Hepatitis C, Chlamydia, and gonorrhea at no charge and free condoms.

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