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Hutchings Child and Adolescent Crisis Respite


Offers a 6-bed, short term out-of-home respite care program for children and adolescents ages 10 to 17 years who are currently receiving mental health services and are at risk of, or currently experiencing, an emotional/behavioral crisis due to events in the person's environment.

Eligibility: Children and youth ages 10 to 17 years with a designated diagnosis of a mental illness and: - are not considered an immediate danger to self or others - are experiencing a recent emotional crisis and is having issues with social or emotional functioning - are considered medically stable and is capable of self-preservation/evacuation in the event of an emergency - are not in need of a higher level of care, such as emergency services or inpatient hospitalization - are not currently under the influence of alcohol or drugs - parents or guardians are willing to be involved during the respite stay and agree that the child will be discharged back to home following the completion of the program

Application Process: Call for information and services

Required Documentation: No documentation initially required

Fees: None

Cayuga, Cortland, Madison, Onondaga, and Oswego counties


Fax: 315-426-7773

Business Line: 315-426-7770

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.omh.ny.gov/omhweb/facilities/ hupc

670 Madison Street
Syracuse NY 13210


24 Hours / 7 Days


Disabilities Access

Fully Accessible

Contact Community Services answers the 211CNY phone line
211CNY is answered by:
United Way

United Way of Central New York
United Way of Greater Oswego County
United Way of Northern New York, Inc.

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