Camp Little Oak
Operates a summer camp program for girls with bleeding disorders. Offers community programs and events for people affected by bleeding disorders. Meals are provided; there is no transportation available.
Able to make referrals to a similar camp for boys.
Able to make referrals to a similar camp for boys.
Eligibility: Girls ages 7 to 17 years with hemophilia, von Willebrands, carriers and other bleeding disorders
Application Process: Call to register
Required Documentation: Camper application, camper assessment form, Medical and health forms
Fees: None
New York State
Business Line: 607-222-8412
Email: [email protected]
7955 Brantingham Road
Greig NY 13345
Mailing Address:
82 Pixley Road
Chenango Forks NY 13746
Administrative hours: Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 5 PM
2024 dates: Sunday, July 21 - Saturday, July 27
call for times
Hope Woodcock-Ross
[email protected]
Disabilities Access
Fully Accessible