Massena Neighborhood Center
Provides a food pantry and assists with food and other emergencies such as utilities, fuel, and shelter. Work with families in the area of family development to include budgeting skills, job skills and job search assistance. Operates a thrift store for the community. Offers an annual Christmas Program, providing toys for children 18 and under and food boxes for adults.
Eligibility: Low-income families residing in and around the Town and Village of Massena; use Food Finder to determine home pantry
Application Process: Christmas Program: Call to register Other services: Call or walk-in for information and services
Required Documentation: Christmas Program: Proof of residency, proof of income, birthdates for all members of the household Other services: Call for required documentation
Fees: None
Towns of Brasher Falls, Helena, Lawrenceville, Massena, Norfolk, North Lawrence, Raymondville, and Rooseveltown
Business Line: 315-764-0050
Email: [email protected]
Website: centers
61 Beach Street
Massena NY 13662
Monday - Thursday, 9 AM - 3 PM
Closed for lunch 12 Noon - 1 PM
Friday, 9 AM - 12 Noon
except for the First Friday of the month
Adison Barton
Disabilities Access
Fully Accessible