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Roswell P Flower Memorial Library


Offers a full range of services and activities for adults and children, including computer access, story programs for preschoolers, book clubs for adults, and summer reading clubs for children and teens.  Also provides a genealogy department, computer classes for all levels, proctoring services, and historic tours of the library.

Eligibility: Residents of Jefferson, Lewis, Oswego, and St. Lawrence counties

Application Process: Walk-in to apply

Required Documentation: To obtain a library card: A current driver's license with photograph OR two forms of identification with your name and current address, one of which includes your signature. Frequently used types of identification include: current driver's license, automobile registration, National Grid or telephone bill, tax receipt, sheriff's identification, school or college identification card, or bus pass with address

Fees: None

Jefferson, Lewis, Oswego, and St. Lawrence counties


Fax: 315-788-2584

Business Line: 315-785-7705

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.flowermemoriallibrary.org

229 Washington Street
Watertown NY 13601


Monday - Wednesday, 9 AM - 8 PM
Thursday and Friday, 10 AM - 6 PM

Saturday, 9 AM - 5 PM


Suzie Renzi-Falge
[email protected]

Disabilities Access

Fully Accessible

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211CNY is answered by:
United Way

United Way of Central New York
United Way of Greater Oswego County
United Way of Northern New York, Inc.

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