Fulton Community Room
Available for use by any individual, non-profit group, social group, hobby group, or family that wish to gather for a one time event or meet on a regular basis.
Eligibility: Residents and visitors to the City of Fulton
Application Process: Call at least 1-2 months in advance for reservations
Required Documentation: None
Fees: Varies; call for information
City of Fulton
Department of Parks and Recreation: 315-592-2474
City of Fulton Clerk: 315-598-3593 (For more information and reservations)
Website: fultonny.org/facilities
141 South First Street
Fulton NY 13069
Administrative hours: Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 5 PM
Program hours: Vary
call for details
Jodi B. Corsoniti
City of Fulton Clerk
[email protected]
Chris Waldron
Parks and Recreation Director
[email protected]
Disabilities Access
Fully Accessible