Jefferson County Office of Fire and Emergency Management
Enhances the safety and security of citizens and visitors of Jefferson County by serving as the lead coordinating agency for regional preparedness and emergency management efforts. Responsible for all emergency management functions, fire coordinator duties, and overseeing the Jefferson County 911 Center.
Eligibility: Residents and visitors of Jefferson County
Application Process: Call 911 for emergencies or non-emergency number for services and information
Required Documentation: None
Fees: None
Jefferson County
Fax: 315-786-2684
After-Hours: 315-786-2601
Business Line: 315-786-2654
Website: EmergencyManagement
753 Waterman Drive
Watertown NY 13601
Administrative hours: Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM
Emergency services available 24 Hours / 7 Days
Joseph Plummer
[email protected]
Disabilities Access
Fully Accessible