Onondaga County Medical Society
Provides the names of three doctors in Onondaga County who are accepting patients and are in the appropriate medical field. No information about insurance, office hours, or malpractice background available and no guarantee of an appointment. Online search of the directory is also available.
Eligibility: Individuals looking for a physician in Onondaga County
Application Process: Call for information and services
Required Documentation: None
Fees: None
Onondaga County
Business Line: 315-424-8118
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.oncms.org
125 East Jefferson Street
1st Floor Lobby
Syracuse NY 13202
Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM via in office or remotely
Deborah H. Colvin
Finance and Member Relations
[email protected]
Julie Panna
Executive Director
[email protected]
Disabilities Access
Not applicable; services provided off-site