Cornerstone Mobile Counseling
Connects low-income individuals and families to a local or remote licensed counselor on the same day when possible. Counselors go to where the client is located (either in the home or a public place, or connect through telehealth) and provide mental health counseling, case management, DSS and Disability advocating, and support.
Eligibility: Individuals ages 2 years and older
Application Process: Call or go online for information and services
Required Documentation: No documentation initially required
Fees: Call to verify insurance information
All of New York State, as well as Pennslyvania and Maine
After-Hours: 315-868-1000
Business Line: 315-868-1000 (Call or text - 24 Hours / 7 Days)
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address:
417 East German Street
Herkimer NY 13350
Daily, 7 AM - 10 PM
Disabilities Access
Not applicable; services provided off-site